Animal Facts:
The white sheep has always been a symbol of innocence. Combined with the soft wool, this little lamb is the perfect gift for the perfect child! Only 10 inches tall and it fits perfectly in the arms of a sleeping child. Besides being super cute, lambs can be used as a very versatile tool in education. From learning the "baa baa baa" sound, to singing nursery rhymes and songs and learning where wool comes from.
There are over 1 billion sheep in the world, mostly domestic. Younger sheep are called lamb. Descended form Europe and Asia, sheep were only of the earliest animals to be domesticated for agricultural purposes. They are raised for wool, meat, and milk. These mammals are herbivorous, with most breeds preferring to graze on grass. Sheep are flock animals and have a natural inclination to follow a leader to new pastures.
Order Artiodactyla. Found extensively in Australia, New Zealand, South America, and the western United States. The length of the head & body averages about 1.5 m with a short tail, and an adult may weigh 75-200 kg. Ewes usually produce 1 or 2 lambs, although 5 have been recorded; they are born woolly & open- eyed. Gestation period is about 21 weeks.
The Recommended age for Hansa animals is 3 and up to comply with ASTM93 safety standards.
Portraits in Nature is a hand-crafted collection of realistic plush animals. Artists working in a socially responsible and environmentally responsible studio create each Hansa animal from portraits of the creature in its natural habitat.
The Hansa Story
Artisan hand sew the animals "inside out", an old world tradition that results in the mininization of seams, and their bodies are carefully "sculpted" to create "musculature" and "features" like movement in a walking or sitting position that are unique to each creature. On average, there are 42 separate pieces required to make each animal, that must be combined by a team of truly creative artists to create the distinctly realistic features that characterize HANSA animals. (Some animals have as many as 240 different parts!) Each animal is individually hand sewn, to give it a unique "personality", there are more than 860 different fabrics and man-made furs from which the "coat" and "hides" are made, along with over 6000 sets of different eyes, whiskers, claws, noses, and related accessories allocated for creating these wonderful plush animals. Stuffing emphasizes careful attention to the placement of the highest quality man-made materials.
When you hold these wonderfully "life-like" animals, you will see and feel HANSA's emphasis on quality, which is a result of careful attention to design, custom fabric selection, cutting, sewing, stuffing, eye placement, feature creation, framing, air brushing and finishing. Since each animal is hand sewn, there will be slight variations in appearance.
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Hansa Toys
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